Training to artisans:- The master trainers from MBDB train the interested artisans in the workshop till now the tribal department has sponsored above 65 artisan and they are trained in handicraft, Furniture etc.
A training in bamboo construction was organised by Maharashtra Bamboo Development Board for artisan in bamboo construction field for 10 days. Ms Sanjita Kapoor of blue planet from Kolkata was involved in guiding for construction. 25 Artisan from various parts of Maharashtra participated in the said program for 10 days. They constructed bamboo structure in Japanese garden.
A two-day workshop was organized for the farmers on 6th and 7th January 2022. For the Preparation of mushrooms like Sheetake, Oyster mashroom etc. using bamboo sawdust.
During the period of 2nd and 3rd November 2022, of Agro Forestry Department of Punjab Rao Agricultural University. Training to prepare Bamboo Mitra (Master Trainer) under the guidance of Dr.Vijay Ilorkar was conducted at the Agro-Forest Research Center of the university.